Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour

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Product Specifications

Publisher SChand Publications All HRM Final Year books by SChand Publications
ISBN 9788121920148
Author: S S Khanka
Number of Pages 577
Available in all digital devices
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Organisational Behaviour
Book Summary:

Organisations are made of the people, by the people and for the people. Therefore, organisational effectiveness depends on the behaviour and performance of the people constituting organisations. That is why human behaviour at work, popularly known as ‘organisational behaviour’ has become a subject of much interest and concern. Every individual is unique and his/her behaviour is highly unpredictable and complex. Nonetheless, knowing why people behave as they behave at work sharpens the mind, increases vision, and offers an array of tools and techniques to choose from when faced with the problem of resolving a difficult situation. Moreover, how others resolved the problem serves as a doubling guidance and help.

Key Features:

The main features of the book are as follows:

1. Organicational Citizenship Behaviour.

2. Emotions and Moods.

3. Transactional Analysis.

4. Morale.

5. Team Building.

6. Organisational Climate.

Table of Contents:


a. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour
b. Organisational Behaviour in Historical Persepective
c. Research in Organisational Behaviour


a. Foundation of Individual Behaviour
b. Personality
c. Perception
d. Attitudes, Values and Job Satisfaction
e. Learning
f. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB)
g. Emotions and Moods
h. Transactional Analysis (TA)
i. Motivation : Concepts
j. Motivation : Application
k. Morale


a. Foundation of Group Behaviour
b. Team Building
c. Organisational Conflicts And Negotiations
d. Job Frustration
e. Job Stress
f. Communication
g. Leadership
h. Power and Politics


a. Introduction to Organisation
b. Organisational Structure
c. Organisational Theory
d. Organisational Climate (OC)
e. Origanisational Culture