CBSE Syllabus for Class 7 for Academic Year 2023-24 | Download All- Subjects Syllabus

CBSE Syllabus for Class 7: The officials of CBSE and NCERT are responsible to draft a complete syllabus for class 7th students for all the subjects including Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, English, Hindi, etc. In this article you will find, the full format of the CBSE Class 7 Syllabus with all the chapters and unit names.

To know more about the Syllabus of Class 7 CBSE 2023-22, read the whole blog.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 7 2023

Here you will be able to download the CBSE Class 7 Syllabus for all the subjects free of cost. Stay connected with us until the last stage to understand the syllabus better.

Realizing the schedule is a significant piece of readiness. It helps in better arranging and dissecting what all points have been covered. Along these lines, it’s quintessential for a student to have a taste of the CBSE Syllabus for Class 7  directly toward the start of the preparation. By knowing the CBSE schedule for Class 7, they could set up a viable self-tracking plan.

Here is the Detailed Explanation of Subject-wise CBSE Syllabus for Class 7. You can download the CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2020-21 PDF online. 

Latest CBSE Syllabus for Class 7 Maths 2023

Please make a note of it that before getting yourself involved in the practice e of CBSE Class 7 Mathematics questions, go through all the topics to be covered with the weightage of the marks per section. This will sure shot give you a clear view of what to study and this way you can make your schedule accordingly.

It is basic for each seventh-grade student to realize the CBSE Class 7 Maths schedule completely. The inquiry/final exam paper is planned dependent on the current syllabus set by CBSE. In the test, questions can be jumbled up differently and posed uniquely, yet all the inquiries will be from the CBSE class 7 syllabus itself. No question can emerge out of the CBSE syllabus. Maths course readings are useful for understudies in scoring good grades in yearly tests.

Download CBSE Class 7 Textbook

We have given the CBSE seventh Class Maths in the pdf design for understudies’ comfort. They can download it from the reference underneath. This CBSE Class 7 Maths prospectus is the authority schedule that is delivered by the CBSE board on the authority site. Students expecting to score great imprints in the yearly exams should concentrate on all the units and chapters that are referenced in the syllabus pdf.

The beneath topics will help the student appearing for the CBSE class 7 exam to understand the chapters to be studied during their academic year. Keep a note of all these topics mentioned below. Keep a separate notebook that will be solely for practicing the maths questions. Make this habit of solving at least 20 questions daily to skyrocket your results. Whenever you get stuck in the mid of the practice sessions, make a separate list of them and clear them with either your respective teachers or online via NCERT solutions online.


  • Chapter-1: Integers
  • Chapter-2: Fractions and Decimals
  • Chapter-3: Data Handling
  • Chapter-4: Simple Equations
  • Chapter-5: Lines and Angles
  • Chapter-6: The Triangle and its Properties
  • Chapter-7: Congruence of Triangles
  • Chapter-8: Comparing Quantities
  • Chapter-9: Rational Numbers
  • Chapter-10: Practical Geometry
  • Chapter-11: Perimeter and Area
  • Chapter-12: Algebraic Expressions
  • Chapter-13: Exponents and Powers
  • Chapter-14: Symmetry
  • Chapter-15: Visualising Solid Shapes

Students undergoing all the above topics are sure shot going to clear the CBSE Class 7 Maths exam with good scores for sure. Keep scrolling to have a look at the latest CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023 for other subjects as well.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 9 Science Section

The CBSE has divided the syllabus into three categories i.e., physics, chemistry, and biology. I’m this article, our focus is to help with the best possible way such that you don’t have to roam here and there to get answered for your queries. CBSE Class 7 Science Syllabus 2023 includes all the mandatory things like chapters, marking chapter wise, total number rod units with titles, lab manual.

All of this gives a clear-cut idea to the reader whether it is teachers, the parent, or their students about what shall be included in the final CBSE science paper. Everything that we have included in this article about the CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023 is made and approved by the higher official of the CBSE Board.

Meanwhile, the students who are going to attempt for CBSE Class 7 exams can have a look at the below syllabus to understand the topics well. 

  • Chapter-1: Nutrition in Plants
  • Chapter-2: Nutrition in Animals
  • Chapter-3: Fibre to Fabric
  • Chapter-4: Heat
  • Chapter-5: Acids, Bases, and Salts
  • Chapter-6: Physical and Chemical Changes
  • Chapter-7: Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate
  • Chapter-8: Winds, Storms and Cyclones
  • Chapter-9: Soil
  • Chapter-10: Respiration in Organisms
  • Chapter-11: Transportation in Animals and Plants
  • Chapter-12: Reproduction in Plants
  • Chapter-13: Motion and Time
  • Chapter-14: Electric Current and its Effects
  • Chapter-15: Light
  • Chapter-16: Water – A Precious Resource
  • Chapter-17: Forests – Our Lifeline
  • Chapter-18: Wastewater Story

CBSE & NCERT has a pattern of allocating a ‘lab manual’ for every student who is going to appear for CBSE class 7 exam 2023. This manual consists of all the crucial science theory-relevant experiments, lab kits, projects, and multiple other activities to groom the overall intelligence of the student and not to make him only a book nerd. 

Download CBSE Class 7 Study Materials

CBSE Syllabus for Class 7 Social Science Section

Knowing today, tomorrow, and the past is equally important. Henceforth, it’s of primary importance to understand the CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus 2023 in advance. Students who learn things in a particular structure have more chances of scoring well in their exams as compared to students who randomly jump into topics, that’s why the syllabus is very important. CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus 2023 consists of all the relevant chapters and units that will play a big role in attempting the exam questions well. 

Meanwhile, the students who would like to have a quick look into the syllabus can check below:

CBSE Class 7 History Syllabus 2023- ‘Our Pasts II’

  • Chapter-1: Tracing Changes through a Thousand Years
  • Chapter-2: New Kings and Kingdoms
  • Chapter-3: The Delhi Sultans
  • Chapter-4: The Mughal Empire
  • Chapter-5: Rulers and Buildings
  • Chapter-6: Towns, Traders, and Craftspersons
  • Chapter-7: Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities
  • Chapter-8: Devotional Paths to the Divine
  • Chapter-9: The Making of Regional Cultures
  • Chapter-10: Eighteenth-Century Political Formations
  • CBSE Class 7 Political Science Syllabus 2023
  • Chapter-1: On Equality
  • Chapter-2: Role of the Government in Health
  • Chapter-3: How the State Government Works
  • Chapter-4: Growing up as Boys and Girls
  • Chapter-5: Women Change the World
  • Chapter-6: Understanding Media
  • Chapter-7: Markets Around Us
  • Chapter-8: A Shirt in the Market
  • Chapter-9: Struggles for Equality

CBSE Class 7 Geography Syllabus  ‘Our Environment’

  • Chapter-1: Environment
  • Chapter-2: Inside Our Earth
  • Chapter-3: Our Changing Earth
  • Chapter-4: Air
  • Chapter-5: Water
  • Chapter-6: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
  • Chapter-7: Human-Environment – Settlement, Transport, and Communication
  • Chapter-8: Human-Environment Interactions – The Tropical and the Subtropical Region
  • Chapter-9: Life in the Deserts

Please note that all the topics provided by CBSE for class 7 exam preparation are important. Don’t skip any topics thinking it will not come in the exam. Read and understand everything especially the basics and once the basics are clear, nobody can stop you from touching the sky!

CBSE Syllabus for Class 7 English Section

CBSE Class 7 English Syllabus covers all the aspects of English, which a class 7th student must be aware of. It is highly recommended by the CBSE & NCERT officials to check and understand the syllabus before deep-diving into the studies. The half-yearly and the final paper is drafted as per the syllabus only with 99% from the course. So stick to it, clear your basics so that you are not confused and panic on the day before the class 7 exam about what to study and what not to study.

Nevertheless, if you want, you can directly view the syllabus below as well:

1st Honeycomb

  • Chapter-1: Three Questions & The Squirrel
  • Chapter-2: A Gift of Chappals & The Rebel
  • Chapter-3: Gopal and the Hilsa Fish & The Shed
  • Chapter-4: The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom & Chivvy
  • Chapter-5: Quality & Trees
  • Chapter-6: Expert Detectives & Mystery of the Talking Fan
  • Chapter-7: The Invention of Vita-Wonk & Dad and the Cat and the Tree
  • Chapter-8: Fire – Friend and Foe & Meadow Surprises
  • Chapter-9: A Bicycle in Good Repair & Garden Snake
  • Chapter-10: The Story of Cricket

2nd The Alien Hand

  • Chapter-1: The Tiny Teacher
  • Chapter-2: Bringing Up Kari
  • Chapter-3: The Desert
  • Chapter-4: The Cop and the Anthem
  • Chapter-5: Golu Grows a Nose
  • Chapter-6: I want something in a Cage
  • Chapter-7: Chandni
  • Chapter-8: The Bear Story
  • Chapter-9: A Tiger in the House
  • Chapter-10: An Alien Hand English

Good knowledge is everything! That is what is true. Do not trap yourself in the ratification process. Learn the basics of English, use of verb forms, etc. to speak with the utmost confidence in the future.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 

Hindi is the most vital language to communicate especially for Indians. CBSE is solely responsible for taking care of CBSE Class 7 Hindi syllabus 2020-21. They focus on developing the understanding of the use of var mala, the basics of Hindi reading, and Hindi grammar. Below we have covered all the chapters that are to be covered in the CBSE class 7 Hindi syllabus 2023.

  • Chapter-1: हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के
  • Chapter-2: दादी माँ
  • Chapter-3: हिमालय की बेटियां
  • Chapter-4: कठपुतली
  • Chapter-5: मीठाईवाला
  • Chapter-6: रक्त और हमारा शरीर
  • Chapter-7: पापा खो गए
  • Chapter-8: शाम एक किशान
  • Chapter-9: चिड़िया की बच्ची
  • Chapter-10: अपूर्व अनुभव
  • Chapter-11: रहीम की दोहे
  • Chapter-12: कंचा
  • Chapter-13: एक तिनका
  • Chapter-14: खानपान की बदलती तस्वीर
  • Chapter-15: नीलकंठ
  • Chapter-16: भोर और बरखा
  • Chapter-17: वीर कुवर सिंह
  • Chapter-18: संघर्ष के कराण मैं तुनुकमिजाज हो गया धनराज
  • Chapter-19: आश्रम का अनुमानित व्यय
  • Chapter-20: विप्लव गायन

NCERT format for CBSE Class 7 Hindi Bal Mahabharat बाल महाभारत

Unseen Passages for CBSE Class 7 Hindi अपठित बोध

  • अपठित गद्यांश-1
  • अपठित पद्यांश-2

CBSE Class 7 Hindi Grammar व्याकरण

  • भाषा और व्याकरण
  • वर्ण विचार
  • शब्द विचार
  • वर्तनी
  • संज्ञा
  • लिंग (संज्ञा के विकार)
  • वचन
  • कारक
  • सर्वनाम
  • विशेषण
  • क्रिया
  • काल
  • वाच्य
  • अव्यय
  • संधि
  • समास
  • उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय
  • वाक्य
  • वाक्य अशुद्धियाँ एवं संशोधन
  • विराम-चिह्न
  • मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
  • शब्द-भंडार
  • CBSE Class 7 syllabus Hindi लेखन कौशल
  • संवाद-लेखन
  • अनुच्छेद-लेखन
  • निबंध-लेखन
  • पत्र लेखन

As per the records, students struggle to write Hindi because of a lack of practice. They think they are confident enough to give an exam because ether can speak fluent Hindi but that is not how it works. It is suggested to practice writing the Hindi language daily to avoid grammatical errors while giving the exam.

Downloading CBSE Class 7 Syllabus directly from the official website

We have covered below the quick way to download the CBSE class seven syllabuses for the entire subject 2023 directly from the website:

  1. You are required to visit the official website of NCRRT written here i.e.,
  2. As soon as you click on the above link, the home page will open. Over there, search for the option if ‘Class 1-12 syllabus download.’ You need to click on this link.
  3. Now, hit the ‘Syllabus of Classes at the elementary level.’ You need to click on that link.
  4. Once you click on that link, a pop-up dialog box will appear where you need to fill in a few details like your class and subject name.
  5. Once you fill in the above details, you will be redirected to the NCERT Syllabus.
  6. Download it and save it on your desktop for future use.

We have covered the completed the whole blog of CBSE Syllabus for Class 7. For further queries, you can ask in the comment box.

FAQs on CBSE Syllabus for Class 7

From where can I download 7th Class CBSE syllabus?

You can download it from Kopykitab.

Can I get CBSE Class 7 Hindi syllabus 2020-21 here?

Yes, you will get the syllabus for Hindi.

How much does it cost CBSE Class 7 syllabus PDF?

It will be free of cost.

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