Human Anatomy And Physiology - I

Human Anatomy And Physiology - I

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Product Specifications

Publisher Nirali Prakashan All B. Pharmacy books by Nirali Prakashan
ISBN 9789386700964
Author: Dr. S. B. Bhise, Dr. A. V. Yadav
Number of Pages 136
Edition Fourth Edition
Available in all digital devices
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Human Anatomy And Physiology - I - Page 1 Human Anatomy And Physiology - I - Page 2 Human Anatomy And Physiology - I - Page 3 Human Anatomy And Physiology - I - Page 4 Human Anatomy And Physiology - I - Page 5

Human Anatomy And Physiology - I by Dr. S. B. Bhise, Dr. A. V. Yadav
Book Summary:

Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi, the apex regulatory body controlling Pharmacy Profession in the country has come out with the regulations viz. Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) course regulations 2014 for B. Pharm degree program based on CBSC pattern. Human Anatomy and Physiology - I has been included in the course of study for Semester I. This course has been designed to provide basic knowledge required to understand the various disciplines of Pharmacy.

Especially the understanding and knowledge of Pharmacology makes the Pharmacist a vital member of the health care team. The knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology is the pre-requisite for initiating the study of Pharmacology. Keeping this requirement in mind; an attempt has been made here to provide the students with the necessary information on Human Anatomy and Physiology.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for B. Pharma students.
Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Human Body

2. Tissue Level of Organization

3. Integumentary System

4. Skeletal System

5. Body Fluids and Blood

6. The Lymphatic System

7. Peripheral Nervous System

8. Sense Organs

9. Cardiovascular System
